Do the kindest among us remember to be kind to themselves?

Whispers of Wisdom: The Inner Landscape at 55

of toronto streets and internal beats

Dave Martin
3 min readSep 8, 2023


Life, they say, doesn’t come with a guidebook. If it did, it’d be as obsolete as the Windows 3.1 Installation Guide collecting dust in my basement. While we navigate personal growth and change, external forces like cultural, environmental, and economic shifts persistently reshape our realities, often beyond our control.

Photo by Despina Galani on Unsplash

In what feels like the blink of an eye, the days when I was a 20-year-old Arts and Science student at university have faded into the past. Back then, I carved out a modest life for myself waiting tables at a Greek Restaurant.

The simplicity of that time enabled me to sustain my city life, sharing an apartment with three roommates. But those financial equations wouldn’t hold up today, especially in a city like Toronto. The soaring costs of living make me ponder: Would I be juggling multiple jobs if I were still in that restaurant today? I recognize my blessings and strive to extend them to others whenever I can.

Yet, as I extend empathy and kindness outwards, I’ve recently realized I often withhold the same from myself. Celebrating others comes naturally to me; it brings joy. But when I…

