Respect and Humility

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Five Actions for non-Indigenous People to Support Residential School Survivors and Our Indigenous Hosts

Dave Martin
7 min readSep 30, 2023


For many years, these schools separated kids from their families and tried to erase their language, culture, and traditions. This day is about acknowledging that painful past, understanding its effects, working towards making things right and building a stronger, united future. It’s a day for all Canadians to learn from and support Indigenous communities.

Photo by Andrew George on Unsplash

September 30th marks the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, dedicated to remembering and honouring the Indigenous children who suffered due to the residential school system and acknowledging the enduring pain and struggles of Indigenous communities. The histories and cultures that were nearly obliterated, the voices that were silenced, and the rights that were oppressed are all pivotal precursors of the current experience of Indigenous people living in this country. It is an experience marked by resilience and strength yet fraught with pain and loss.

As a white guy born here in Canada, I am only an outside witness to the harm lived by the Indigenous community. I recognize that the full breadth and depth of the Indigenous…

